Our facilities team is here to help you before you apply, after you’re accepted, and during your time with us. Whatever you need help with, however small it may seem, please get in touch. We are here to help make your time with us as enjoyable and as beneficial as possible.
Dance Clothing
We have relationships with a number of suppliers of dance clothing, so you can get kitted out whilst enjoying a range of discounts.
Dance Studio
Feel free to have a peek at our dance studio where you’ll be learning all of our dance styles.
If you live outside London, and need our assistance finding suitable accommodation, we’re here to help.
Life in London
If you’re from outside London, or you are an international student, check out our little guide to life in London.
Make your move!
If you’d like to talk with Angela, our Course Director, about our facilities before you apply, please get in touch on 0207 118 1818.