Dance Clothing
Dance clothing is needed for all our commercial dance courses. You will therefore need to get kitted out with your dance clothing prior to starting one of our courses.
Luckily for you, we’ve negotiated discounts
To make life easier for you, we’ve developed relationships with a selection of dance clothing providers.
These dance-clothing providers include:
> uk.BlochWorld.com (10%)
> BottonFitness.co.uk (10%)
> CapezioEurope.com (10%
> Dancia.co.uk (15%)
You’ll need to be in receipt of an acceptance letter from us before redeeming your discounts at these stores.
Make your move!
If you’d like to talk with Angela, our Course Director, about what dance clothing you might need before you apply, please get in touch on 0207 118 1818.